Accessibility Statement

Accessibility Statement for Latet's website

Fully-managed Accessibility Statement for
EqualWeb is committed to promoting digital accessibility for people with disabilities. We are continually improving the user experience for all site visitors and applying the relevant accessibility standards. EqualWeb has taken careful measure to ensure an excellent user experience, regardless of the assistive technology being used to access this site.

Certificate & Conformance Status
This is to confirm that this site has been reviewed by software developers and remediated to meet standards set by the WCAG 2.1 (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.1) at the AA level. The WCAG 2.1 AA level covers a wide range of recommendations for making Web content more accessible. WCAG 2.1 AA level guidelines include specific details on how to develop accessible Web content. This statement certifies that specific techniques were met for the Success Criterion detailed by WCAG. As a result, this website`s content has been made more accessible to a wider range of people with disabilities, including blindness and low vision, deafness and hearing loss, learning disabilities, cognitive limitations, limited movement, speech disabilities, photosensitivity and combinations of thereof. By implementing and adhering to these guidelines, this website`s web content has also become more usable to users in general. Using the accessibility widget is subject to the our Terms of Service which can be found at the company`s website.

Measures taken to make this website more accessible
Equalweb`s Automatic system, team of developers, designers and content accessibility experts has reviewed, remediated and tested this website by performing multi-layered accessibility testing and analysis of the new and updated accessibility measures and web content. As part of the process to make this website more accessible, adjustments were made which include JavaScript & CSS work. The process also included accessibility modifications for assistive technologies (e.g. NVDA, JAWS etc.). Below is a complete list of accessibility modifications and functionalities made.

Compatibility with browsers and assistive technology
Our mission goal is to be able to support the widest array of browsers and assistive technologies as possible.We have therefore invested efforts to support popular systems with high market share, including Chrome, Firefox, edge, Opera and Safari VoiceOver on a MAC. We have also addressed JAWS and NVDA assistive technologies for Windows and MAC.

In addition, the following modifications were made during the audit to make this website accessible:
>>Enables keyboard navigation
>>Enables smart navigation
>>Blinks Blocking
>>OCR Image description
>>Fonts - Ability to increase and decrease the site font, adjust, align etc`
>>Voice command the browser using your voice
>>Change color contrast based on dark background
>>Change color contrast based on a light background
>>Change the Site`s colors
>>Matching and monochrome option for color blind people
>>Change the font for readability
>>Increase the cursor and change its color to black or white
>>Increase the display to 200%
>>Highlight links on the site
>>Highlighting headers on the site
>>Display an alternative description of the images
>>Increase the content chosen by the cursor, showed in a tooltip
>>Describe words by mouse selection
>>Displays the site`s contents in a new window clearly and readable
>>Enables users to type contents using the mouse

Technical specifications
Accessibility of this website relies on the following technologies to work with the particular combination of web browser and any assistive technologies or plugins installed on your computer:
These technologies are relied upon for conformance with the accessibility standards used.

Limitations, alternatives and disclaimers
Despite our efforts to ensure accessibility of this website, there may be some limitations. Below is a description of known and possible limitations, and potential solutions. Please contact us if you observe an issue not listed below. Using the accessibility widget is subject to the our privacy policy which can be found at the company`s website.

Use of Third-Party Sites & Components
When 3rd party components or websites are used on the website, such as Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, chats and others, which are not controlled by us, may present challenges for individuals with disabilities that we are not able to remedy.
Here are samples of Accessibility Policies provided from some 3rd party sites:
Facebook accessibility policy
YouTube accessibility policy
Instagram accessibility
Twitter Accessibility
LinkedIn Accessibility

Physical location accessibility services
Our company considers it very important to provide quality, professional, equitable and accessible service to all our customers, including people with disabilities.

In our location you can find:
>>Accessibility waiting area
>>Entrance desk
>>Accessible Bathroom

Contact details of a Compliance Officer
It is our intention to resolve any complaint to your satisfaction, however, should you have any questions about our accessibility policy, including any requests to exercise your legal rights, please contact our Compliance Officer:
Noa Dotan

Despite our efforts to make site browsing accessible for people with disabilities, some pages may yet to be accessible, or the appropriate technological solution has not yet been found, or it is possible that some pages or sections on this website have human mistakes, for a variety of reasons. We are dedicated to keep improving the accessibility features and interface of our product.

Notice something wrong? You are most welcome to reach out to us at

Notes & Comments
Despite our efforts to make site browsing accessible for people with disabilities, some pages may yet to be accessible, or the appropriate technological solution has not yet been found.
We continue our efforts to improve site accessibility as much as possible, with the belief and moral commitment to enable the site to be used by the general population, including people with disabilities.
To contact Latet, you can contact us by using the “Contact” button and filling out the form. You may also reach out to us by email at

Last update: 02.14.23

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