Latet Youth Mid-Way Seminar 2019

A day full of fun and meaningful activities

It’s a wrap! We just finished the annual Mid-Way seminar of Latet Youth, the one of a kind youth movement of Latet. More than 1,000 Israeli teens from all backgrounds came together for a day of fun and meaningful activities and discussions about Latet Youth core values like volunteering and social entrepreneurship.
We organized a competition between the groups and the 5 winning groups were rewarded with exciting prices: some budget to implement their social micro-initiatives.
This year, the group from Beit Jann, a Druze village in northern Israel, won the first price! 

Every year, Latet Youth participants carry out 150 social micro-initiatives to give back to their communities. 
We salute you, future social leaders of Israel!

Click here to see the pics!

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