Israel at War- Latet Emergency Campaign

Aiding the people of Israel with emergency aid kits containing food and hygiene products

Upon learning the extent of the disaster which occurred during one of the most difficult times the State of Israel had ever known, Latet began to act in “emergency mode” due to the special situation in our home country.

An update: The extent of the disaster that baffled us was slowly revealed in its full severity. 1,200 people were murdered - entire families, children, and elderly, over 3,000 were injured, communities were completely wiped out of their homes as towns were burnt to the ground. A terrible war was imposed on Israel in two fronts- in the South and probably in the North as well.

The suddenness and intensity of the attack on Israel severely affected a considerable part of Its population, especially those living in the south. The daily lives of thousands of households were strongly affected. As a result, a massive increase in the demand for basic needs emerged from the field. The existing situation occurs in a vacuum where the state is unable yet to provide a significant immediate response- into this vacuum enters the civil society in Israel as the key player contributing to building resilience.

Latet, as the leading voice of Israeli civil society, decided, from day one, to dedicate all its resources to assist the people of Israel in these dire times.

Latet's Answer
Latet launched a large-scale operation in the south, providing food and hygiene boxes to citizens in urgent need with limited access to food and resources - those still in the south and those who have been evacuated to other locations, families in need, elderly people, Holocaust survivors and reservists operating in the field.  We have already started operating on the ground, as the first distribution to our target population has begun. 

Target population
(Following our assessment and mapping in the field)
Populations in need - families, elderly and Holocaust survivors.
Evacuees from the municipalities bordering Gaza.
Families who are forced to stay for an extended period of time in shelters and protected spaces.

Our support
Food boxes containing ready-to-eat meals, snacks, canned and dry food, meant for those who have been evacuated from their homes or have to stay in the shelter for a long period of time.
Hygiene boxes containing soap, deodorants, toothpaste and toothbrushes, towels, baby wipes and more.
Winter equipment- gloves, scarves, blankets, socks, umbrellas and more.  
Despite the crisis, we are committed to continuing assisting the families and the elderly whom we regularly support. Therefore, our routine food distribution continues as usual, within which we provide support to 95,000 families and 1,450 Holocaust survivors.

Duration of the Operation
Latet is prepared to operate for 8 weeks at least, as we currently estimate that the war will last for weeks to come.

Latet Expertise in Dealing with Crisis  
Latet has extensive experience in providing humanitarian aid in Israel and around the world. The organization operated in more than 25 situations of natural disasters and civil wars, among others in India, Turkey, Kosovo, Rwanda, Sri Lanka, Congo, Myanmar, and Haiti. 

Latet operates in many, if not all, emergency situations in Israel. The most recent of which was during Covid- Latet established the largest civil coalition in the country, in which more than 52 organizations (business companies and non-profit organizations) took part in order to provide assistance to more than 18 thousand households. This while maintaining the regular assistance that the organization provides to 95,000 families in need in 125 local municipalities throughout Israel.  

Latet, which serves as an umbrella organization and national food bank, will provide the organizational, operational and logistical infrastructure for this important operation. Our network of partners within Israel’s civil society and the executive team, as well as our extensive network of volunteers all over the country, will help immensely in our efforts to provide immediate assistance all over the country, according to the need and as long as the state of emergency resulted from the war continues. 

First Steps on the Ground
- Municipalities- we are already operating in the following cities: Sderot, Ofakim, Netivot, Ashkelon, Hof Ashkelon, Kiryat Gat, Ashdod, Beer Sheva, Tel Sheva, Rahat and cities surrounding Gaza where residents still remain.
-Holocaust Survivors- our Aid for Life team has been calling all of our supported Holocaust survivors for the purpose of mapping needs. The first distribution for Holocaust survivors who are located in the south and testified that they lack food or feel loneliness and anxiety at a high level has taken place. Latet's volunteers arrived with a food box and kept the survivors' company during these difficult times.
-Sderot-The first three trucks, filled with food and hygiene boxes, made their way to Sderot for distribution to families in need and soldiers.
In addition, we also intend to operate in the cities of: Yeruham, Dimona, Mitzpe Ramon, Arad, Rehovot, Yavne, Gedera and Kiryat Malachi.

Volume of Operation
-Boxes for families in need, elderly & Holocaust Survivors- 

Number of boxes (per household)- 30,000
Cost per box- $70
Total cost- $2.1M
-Boxes for populations in temporary distress in the south & soldiers-
Number of boxes (per household)- 20,000
Cost per box- $100
Total cost- $2M

To donate emergency aid kits:

For donations through a wire transfer  

Latet’s Israeli bank details-  
Bank Hapoalim:12 
Branch: 609 
Account number: 12-609-200803 
IBAN: IL24-0126-0900-0000-0200-803 
SWIFT: Poalilit 
(Designated emergency account for the war in Israel) 

American Friends of Latet bank details- 
Please contact us for wire transfers:


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