Nutritional Security

The Nutritional Security initiative was developed with the aim to reduce nutritional insecurity among families and individuals living in severe poverty by salvaging, collecting, and distributing food. The Nutritional Security initiative provides a unique solution to the problem of nutritional insecurity in Israel: by acting as an umbrella organization in cooperation with more than 210 aid associations and municipalities, it serves as a support network for families and Holocaust survivors in need, while it works to influence change in government policy.

Latet has developed strategic partnerships with leading grocery retailers, food manufacturers, and food distributors in Israel to create a highly successful infrastructure, capable of salvaging food nationally. Latet's cutting edge logistical center accommodates the food storage, packaging, sorting, and distribution of food to local NGOs, ultimately providing food for tens of thousands of families across Israel. Additionally, Latet diligently works to raise public awareness within Israeli society, and abroad, about the issue of food shortage and poverty in Israel.
The Program Uniqueness & Effectiveness Read More..
The Program

Food insecurity is the most severe feature of poverty, which manifests through lack of regular access to nutritious food and in sufficient quantities that allows for an active and healthy life. The phenomenon affects the daily functioning as well as the normal and healthy development of children, and its family's ability to live a dignified life. The problem is characterized by an accute shortage of food, limited access to nutritious food, hunger and an increase in morbidity as a result of improper nutrition.

The right to minimal food security is a basic human right, but despite the severity and scope of the problem, Israeli governments have over the years chosen to ignore the issue and remove its responsibility to take care of the situation, leaving the third sector to exclusively handle the situation. Donating to populations in need is the most effective tools for citizens to help solve the problem.

Target Population
Families with children, single-parent families, elderly people, Holocaust survivors and individuals in need - living in distress and suffering from long-term food insecurity, from all sectors around the country.

Donations to Populations in Need: Model & Structure
The Nutritional Security Initiative is working in cooperation with about 200 various associations (restaurants, social service branches in local authorities) in all sectors and in 125 communities nationwide. The cooperation with food companies and manufacturers around the countries yeilds a large-scale contribution to populations in need: ongoing and regular assistance to more than 95,000 families.

The food distribution is carried out throughout the country without discrimination, under strict control and supervisional processes in order for the food to reach the aid recipients in proper conidition. The initative has set threshold conditions, clear criteria and continious controlling and supervisional mechanisms for the day-to-day activities

The initative is based on the model of Feeding America, which is the lagerst food aid organization in the world. In accordance with this concept, the initative maintains a logistical infrastructure for transporting food and logistical centers: in the Negev, the center and the Galilee, which serve as regional "food banks". The logistics system includes warehouses, a transportation and distribution system for our partner associations, commercial vehicles, forklifts, refrigerated storage and computer systems.

Uniqueness & Effectiveness


The Nutritional Security Initative provides a unique solution to the problem of food insecurity in Israel through the concept of operating as an umbrella organization in cooperation with a network of local aid organizations, which provides a support network, and influences change in government policy.

Relative Advantages & Added Value
  • National and egalitarian umbrella organization - development of the umbrella organization for local food associations in Israel.
  • Professionalism and experience - over 20 years of experience, knowledge and deep understanding of the field.
  • Strategic collaborations with the food industry - exclusive agreements with major food manufacturers and dozens of food companies.
  • Food rescue - rescue of surplus edible food and short-lived goods as the central channel to handle the food insecurity issue.
  • Sustainability - an effective solution based on existing resources, prevention of food waste and destruction.
  • Ongoing and regular assistance - based on regular acquisition of food products and industrial food rescue.
  • Food drive campaigns with the general public - encouraging action, raising awareness, and instilling values of mutual responsibility.
  • Control and supervision - ongoing control of the partnering organizations, and strict inspection of the supply chain.
  • Support and assistance - support, assistance and enabling of the partner associations.
  • Logistics infrastructure - 3 logistics centers; ERP system for inventory management, fleet of trucks and distribution vehicles.
  • Code of Ethics - formulation and implementation of common and uniform standards to provide aid and preserve the dignity of the recipients.
  • Volunteers - Recruitment, training and overseeing thousands of regular volunteers all year round.

Scope of Activity
  • Annual budget: $38,026,000 (money - $12,833,000; in-kind - $25,192,000)
  • Around $45 million dollars worth of food is rescued and distributed to families in need each year
  • Ongoing and regular aid delivered to 95,000 families in need 
  • Umbrella organization for 210 non-profits in 125 locations
  • Three logistics centers are located in the central region, in the Negev and in the Galilee
  • Food Drive Campaign: Throughout the years, there have been dozens of national food collection campaigns, with tens of thousands of volunteers involved 383,000 volunteer hours

Donations to Populations in Need: Measures of Success
  • Improvement of aid recipients' situation - ongoing and regular assistance and implementation of the mutual responsibiilty value as a social security net stemming from civil society 
  • Development of a food rescue infrastructure in Israel - an increase in the amount of food recovered annually from the food industry
  • Building a coalition of associations - a national social support network with geographic equality
  • Pooling resources - coordination, control, inspection and pooling of resources under the security of an umbrella organization 

Channels of Influence

The program succeeds in creating change through the following channels of influence:
  • Providing assistance for 95,000 families in need - annual food aid worth millions of shekels decreases the nutritional insecurity of thousands of families and frees resources for other essential needs
  • National project - encouraging action and strengthening social solidarity through a network of cooperating organizations including thousands of volunteers, hundreds of companies and thousands of donors and investors
  • Advocacy - Latet leads continuous public campaigns  in order to influence change in governmental policy on the issue of nutritional security. The campaigns include petitions to the Supreme Court, lobbying the Ministry of Welfare, social exhibitions, and publication of an alternative report on poverty.

Measures of Efficiency:
  • SROI: Maximum leverage of funds invested in activities: ratio of 1:9.5 – for every shekel invested in logistics and operations, 9.5 shekels worth of food is collected and distributed.
  • Volunteer hours: providing 220,000 volunteer hours in aid to families suffering from nutritional insecurity
  • Sustainability: prevention of destruction of edible food worth $30,000,000 annually  
קוד אתי

Food insecurity is the most severe feature of poverty, which manifests through lack of regular access to nutritious food and in sufficient quantities that allows for an active and healthy life. The phenomenon affects the daily functioning as well as the normal and healthy development of children, and its family's ability to live a dignified life. The problem is characterized by an accute shortage of food, limited access to nutritious food, hunger and an increase in morbidity as a result of improper nutrition.

The right to minimal food security is a basic human right, but despite the severity and scope of the problem, Israeli governments have over the years chosen to ignore the issue and remove its responsibility to take care of the situation, leaving the third sector to exclusively handle the situation. Donating to populations in need is the most effective tools for citizens to help solve the problem.

Target Population
Families with children, single-parent families, elderly people, Holocaust survivors and individuals in need - living in distress and suffering from long-term food insecurity, from all sectors around the country.

Donations to Populations in Need: Model & Structure
The Nutritional Security Initiative is working in cooperation with about 200 various associations (restaurants, social service branches in local authorities) in all sectors and in 125 communities nationwide. The cooperation with food companies and manufacturers around the countries yeilds a large-scale contribution to populations in need: ongoing and regular assistance to more than 95,000 families.

The food distribution is carried out throughout the country without discrimination, under strict control and supervisional processes in order for the food to reach the aid recipients in proper conidition. The initative has set threshold conditions, clear criteria and continious controlling and supervisional mechanisms for the day-to-day activities

The initative is based on the model of Feeding America, which is the lagerst food aid organization in the world. In accordance with this concept, the initative maintains a logistical infrastructure for transporting food and logistical centers: in the Negev, the center and the Galilee, which serve as regional "food banks". The logistics system includes warehouses, a transportation and distribution system for our partner associations, commercial vehicles, forklifts, refrigerated storage and computer systems.

Uniqueness & Effectiveness


The Nutritional Security Initative provides a unique solution to the problem of food insecurity in Israel through the concept of operating as an umbrella organization in cooperation with a network of local aid organizations, which provides a support network, and influences change in government policy.

Relative Advantages & Added Value
  • National and egalitarian umbrella organization - development of the umbrella organization for local food associations in Israel.
  • Professionalism and experience - over 20 years of experience, knowledge and deep understanding of the field.
  • Strategic collaborations with the food industry - exclusive agreements with major food manufacturers and dozens of food companies.
  • Food rescue - rescue of surplus edible food and short-lived goods as the central channel to handle the food insecurity issue.
  • Sustainability - an effective solution based on existing resources, prevention of food waste and destruction.
  • Ongoing and regular assistance - based on regular acquisition of food products and industrial food rescue.
  • Food drive campaigns with the general public - encouraging action, raising awareness, and instilling values of mutual responsibility.
  • Control and supervision - ongoing control of the partnering organizations, and strict inspection of the supply chain.
  • Support and assistance - support, assistance and enabling of the partner associations.
  • Logistics infrastructure - 3 logistics centers; ERP system for inventory management, fleet of trucks and distribution vehicles.
  • Code of Ethics - formulation and implementation of common and uniform standards to provide aid and preserve the dignity of the recipients.
  • Volunteers - Recruitment, training and overseeing thousands of regular volunteers all year round.

Scope of Activity
  • Annual budget: $38,026,000 (money - $12,833,000; in-kind - $25,192,000)
  • Around $45 million dollars worth of food is rescued and distributed to families in need each year
  • Ongoing and regular aid delivered to 95,000 families in need 
  • Umbrella organization for 210 non-profits in 125 locations
  • Three logistics centers are located in the central region, in the Negev and in the Galilee
  • Food Drive Campaign: Throughout the years, there have been dozens of national food collection campaigns, with tens of thousands of volunteers involved 383,000 volunteer hours

Donations to Populations in Need: Measures of Success
  • Improvement of aid recipients' situation - ongoing and regular assistance and implementation of the mutual responsibiilty value as a social security net stemming from civil society 
  • Development of a food rescue infrastructure in Israel - an increase in the amount of food recovered annually from the food industry
  • Building a coalition of associations - a national social support network with geographic equality
  • Pooling resources - coordination, control, inspection and pooling of resources under the security of an umbrella organization 

Channels of Influence

The program succeeds in creating change through the following channels of influence:
  • Providing assistance for 95,000 families in need - annual food aid worth millions of shekels decreases the nutritional insecurity of thousands of families and frees resources for other essential needs
  • National project - encouraging action and strengthening social solidarity through a network of cooperating organizations including thousands of volunteers, hundreds of companies and thousands of donors and investors
  • Advocacy - Latet leads continuous public campaigns  in order to influence change in governmental policy on the issue of nutritional security. The campaigns include petitions to the Supreme Court, lobbying the Ministry of Welfare, social exhibitions, and publication of an alternative report on poverty.

Measures of Efficiency:
  • SROI: Maximum leverage of funds invested in activities: ratio of 1:9.5 – for every shekel invested in logistics and operations, 9.5 shekels worth of food is collected and distributed.
  • Volunteer hours: providing 220,000 volunteer hours in aid to families suffering from nutritional insecurity
  • Sustainability: prevention of destruction of edible food worth $30,000,000 annually  


chose to give what about you? Volunteer Donate

What's new at Latet?

Israel at War- Latet Emergency Campaign

Aiding the people of Israel with emergency aid kits containing food and hygiene products >>

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2023 Mid Year Social Impact Report

We're proud to present you with our Mid Year Social Impact Report for 2023 and our actions in the last six months. Click to read >>

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Providing immediate aid in Turkey

The earthquake in Turkey has left tens of thousands in need of immediate assistance

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2022 Social Impact Report

We're proud to present you with our 2022 Social Impact Report and give you an understanding of what we can achieve together. Click to read >>

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Back to School with Latet & Fondation Adelis

Our new partnership with the Adelis Foundation as part of our "Back to School" project aims to provide children with a proper start for school >>

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Support the war refugees from Ukraine

Help us assist the refugees fleeing the war in Ukraine with an emergency box containing essential food and hygiene products. Donate now >>

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Social Impact Report 2021

We are happy to present you with an overview of our 2021 activities amid the ongoing pandemic and economic crisis. Click to read >>

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Latet International Virtual Conference #2

On November 2nd, join US and Israeli top leaders for unique live panels on social challenges faced in the post-Covid era. Register now >>

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High Holidays 2021 - Key Numbers

Thank you so much dear volunteers, donors and partners. This is what we've achieved together during the High Holidays >>

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2021 Mid-Year Social Impact Report

We are proud to present the 2021 Mid-Year Social Impact Report on the past half years struggles following the economic crisis

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12.5.21 - Latet's Emergency Response

Latet has opened a hotline for populations that need assistance due to prolonged stay in shelters and as such, low accessibility to food >>

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Join our online Purim charity auction

Together with Curio Auctions, show your support to Israelis in need while acquiring historical Zionist treasures. Place your bid now >>

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Alternative Poverty Report 2020

It was with great honor that we presented our 2020 Alternative Poverty Report to President Reuven Rivlin. Click to read the full report (in Hebrew)

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High Holidays Operations 2020 - Key Numbers

Thank you so much dear volunteers, donors, partners and everyone who takes part in our cause. Click to discover the impact of your support >>

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FROM CHAOS TO RELIEF, join us on September 14

We will be hosting a unique virtual conference with prominent and Israeli leaders to discuss their responses to the Covid-19 crisis. Register now >>

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2M Israelis lose income during COVID-19

It is feared that in 2021 many middle-class families will be reduced to poverty and food aid. Click to read the full JPost article >>

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Volunteer of the month - July 2020

Meet our volunteer of the month >> Ehsan Amer

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Donate a much needed food box now!

Tens of thousands of families and elderly are impacted by the economic crisis due to the Covid-19 outbreak. Donate a vital food box now >>

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Corona Emergency Response - Summary Report

3 months ago, Latet launched a national operation to assist the isolated and impoverished senior citizens during the pandemic. Read our full report>>

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Watch our Emergency Response video

Click to watch a summary of our operation! Packing in an IDF base, thousands of volunteers delivering, 15,000 elderly knowing there are not alone >>

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Coronavirus Outbreak: Emergency Response

Latet has launched an emergency fund intended to assist isolated elderly people who lack accessibility to food and who are confined to their homes >>

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Operation #Passover with Shufersal

Due to the Coronavirus outbreak, we made some adjustments to our national food drive in cooperation with Shufersal supermarkets >>

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The IDF and civil society together!

Latet and The IFCJ together with other partners launched a lifesaving mission to minimize the spread of the pandemic >>

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Volunteer of the month - March 2020

Meet our volunteer of the month >> Dudi Swissa

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The renown chef Jamie Geller joins Latet too!

Join Jamie in making sure everyone will have the chance to gather around the holiday table >>

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Our High Holidays operations have started!

Join us in making sure there will be no empty plates this holiday. Click to donate a food box now >>

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This holiday, it's our turn to care for them

Thousands of pioneers who built this country live today in poverty. Discover David's story, a Holocaust survivor who arrived in Israel in 1946 >>

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No empty plates this holiday!

200,000 children, families, elderly and Holocaust survivors won't have enough food to go through the holidays. Donate a food box now!

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Easy recipes made out of our food boxes!

Healthy partnership with the famous recipes page "Shtrudel" >>

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Volunteer of the month - May 2019

Meet our volunteer of the month >> Omri Harush

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Volunteer of the month - March 2019

Meet our volunteer of the month >> Nofar Elezra

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Hamantaschen that are all about love!

Discover the sweet partnership between Latet and "Breads Bakery" >>

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National Food Drive Rosh ha-Shana Campaign

An annual tradition, Latet engages the Israeli Public to take part in the National Food Drive campaign with cooperation with the Shufersal supermarket

The Grand Opening of our Logistics Center

On March, 26, 2017 the entire Latet team met in Beit Shemesh for the grand opening of our new Logistics Center.

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Latet Special at Machne Yehuda

The social culinary project, in collaboration with Israel's top restaurants and bars, is already a great success!

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Our young volunteers at Supersal!

Volunteers from all over Israel scattered in Supersal's various branches to collect food.

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Even the Executive Committee came to help!

The Executive Committee of the supermarket chain Supersal helped Latet volunteers.

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2016 Volunteers Food Drive has started!

On September 22nd, our annual Food Drive, entirely run by volunteers started.

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Supersal x Latet Holidays Campaign

Latet has partnered with supermarket chain to collect goods for families in need before the Holidays

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TEVA Pharmaceuticals "Packing Project"

As part of the national campaign, leading companies in Israel lend Latet a helping hand in packing and delivering food packages

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Latet Special all over Israel!

Just a few days left till the end of the social culinary project.

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Latet Special

As part of the national Holidays campaign, Latet will be collaborating with Israel's top bars and restaurants for an exciting project!

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Partner lends Latet a helping hand

The mobile phone company Partner helped Latet's volunteers in packing and delivering food packages for the Holidays.

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Thank you The Jewish Community Foundation LA

Their generous contribution of $5,000 and their continued support means we can help many families these Holidays!

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LATET in the South

Campaign aimed at raising funds to purchase food from local businesses in the South, for needy families in the south.

LATET with love= TO GIVE with love

A concert to raise money for "Families Supporting Families"

LATET Youth with Shimon Perez

Groundbreaking vision, the act of making a difference, remarkable inspiration. The very soul of Israeli society since the foundation of Israel.

A unique visit in the Latet warehouse

Young students from the Philadelphia Federation joined forces with young Israelis from Netivot to pack food packages for people in need.

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The Aviation Industry and Latet

During Passover 2015, employees of the Aviation Industry contributed and purchased 1900 generous kosher for Passover food baskets

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The Greatest Food Loss in Israel

Government ignores loss of food worth 20 billion NIS every year.

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Volunteer Conference 2015

The annual event in recognition of LATET volunteers was held on 31.5.15 at the Barby, Tel Aviv.

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Americans throw 165$ billion worth of food

Americans throw away 165$ billion worth of food every year...That about 20 pounds per person every month. You must watch this video.

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Latet Master Chef Challenge in New York City!

Last Sunday, four renowned chefs accepted the challenge to cook a meal utilizing ingredients from Latet's food package and help us raise awareness.

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Volunteer of the Month

LATET is proud to present our volunteer of the month: Omer Ga’ash who volunteers at a special project of the marketing department

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Volunteers at Latet Passover Campaign 2015

The campaign took place in 208 branches of Shufersal and 9 branched of Yesh nationwide.

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Happy Spring Holiday!

Hundreds of people, celebrities and opinion leaders have joined the food collection campaign for needy families in Passover – extreme giving.

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From the Alternative Poverty Report

The report reflects the most current trends in poverty and nutritional insecurity in Israel, 2014, as recognized by LATET organization.

LATET Holiday Meals

Campaign LATET holiday meals is aimed at raising contributions of holiday meals for needy families.

Former President Shimon Peres gets new shirt

LATET youth give former president Shimon Peres a new shirt

From the Alternative Poverty Report

Reflects the latest trends on the subject of poverty and food insecurity in Israel in 2014.

Thanks to the Jewish Community Foundation

Thanks to the Jewish Community Foundation for their support and trust in our battle to end poverty.

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Latet's Annual Poverty Conference

The key to change is in our hands! Moderated by Reshef Levy. Keynote speaker Minister of Finance Moshe Kahlon

Support Israel

Latet is one of the leading nonprofit organizations that support Israel – and by supporting Israel, we mean all sectors of Israeli society...

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Donate to Israel

Are you looking to donate to Israel? Have you heard of Latet, the country's largest charitable organization?

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Charity Organizations in Israel

Israeli charity organizations like Latet enable anyone to donate to the community in a respectful and transparent way.

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Latet's 2016 Volunteer Conference

A big thank you to our thousands of amazing volunteers ! A special thanks to the 1,200 volunteers who came to our Latet Carnival.

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Haim Cohen

Even the best chefs cannot cook a meal from nothing to cook with. Haim Cohen invites you to donate a holiday meal.

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An Update From Latet

Come and see what we’ve been doing

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Bake Sale for Latet!

Children from Hod HaSharon organized a bake sale for Latet right before the holidays!

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Annual Live Broadcast Lip-Sync Battle Edition

Tune in to Channel 2 and watch Israel's top singers and performers engage in a lip-sync battle to raise funds for Latet!

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Almog's story

Almog is young, full of life and determined to build herself a better future. Watch her tell her story.

Poverty In Israel

Latet is the largest NGO combating poverty and food insecurity in Israel

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Volunteer In Israel

Make your volunteering experience in Israel impactful!

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Social Issues in Israel

There are many social issues in Israel, plaguing Israeli society, and social entrepreneurship in Israel may be the answer we’ve been looking for.

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We're ready to deliver your Purim baskets!

The feeling of joy is more powerful when shared! Send a Purim basket to a Holocaust survivor or a family who needs it >>

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Bnai Mitzvah project with Latet

Bnai Mitzvah project with Latet

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Mid-Year Social Impact Report 2020

We invite you all to read our Mid-Year Report to discover what we did during this first - very challenging - half of the year >>

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Privacy and use policies

Privacy and use policies

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Accessibility Statement

Accessibility Statement

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Impoverished Students Start the School Year

A study conducted among Latet aid recipients paints a worrying picture that reflects inequality of educational opportunity experienced by students >>

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To Give From Day One

Together, we can provide a secure and healthy start for Israel's most vulnerable citizens >>

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Updates and Situation Report 8.10-04.11

Dear Partners, We invite you to take a look at Latet’s emergency aids activities since the outbreak of the war and get a situation report >>

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Situation Report Week 1

Dear partners, we invite you to take a look at Latet's emergency aid activities during the first week of the war >>

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Situation Report Week 2

Dear partners, we invite you to take a look at Latet's emergency aid activities during the second week of the war >>

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Situation Report Week 3

Dear partners, we invite you to take a look at Latet's emergency aid activities during the third week of the war >>

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Situation Report Week 4

Dear partners, we invite you to take a look at Latet's emergency aid activities during the first week of the war >>

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Situation Report Week 5

Dear partners, we invite you to take a look at Latet's emergency aid activities during the fifth week of war >>

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Social Impact Report 2023

We're proud to present you with our Social Impact Report for 2023, which sums up a particularly extensive and complex year of activity >>

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Latet's Passover Campaign

This Passover, give impoverished families and seniors in Israel one less thing to worry about >>

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Latet's Annual Appreciation Event 2024

We had the privilege of celebrating our incredible volunteers and partners at our annual appreciation event >>

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Mid-Year Social Impact Report 2024

We’re proud to present you with our Mid-Year Social Impact Report for 2024, summarizing six months of extensive routine and emergency activities >>

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Mid-Year Social Impact Report 2024

We’re proud to present you with our Mid-Year Social Impact Report for 2024, summarizing six months of extensive routine and emergency activities >>

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Mid-Year Social Impact Report 2024

We’re proud to present you with our Mid-Year Social Impact Report for 2024, summarizing six months of extensive routine and emergency activities >>

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Bag to School 2024

Providing thousands of impoverished and displaced children a backpack filled with essential school supplies and nutritious food >>

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