Awareness and Advocacy


The project's aim is twofold:

1.  To bring about change in Israel's national priorities.

2. To raise social awareness about the issues of poverty and social inequality

The project's goals will be met through the following concrete solutions: 
  • Publication of an alternative report on poverty
  • Position papers and research
  • Gathering evidence in the field
  • Petitions to the Supreme Court
  • Promoting law proposals
  • Creating a public dialogue
  • Motivating the civilian population to take action
  • Developing innovative models for change
  • Promoting a social agenda for the reduction of poverty
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קוד אתי


Poverty report

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What's new at Latet?

Key Numbers | Alternative Poverty Report 2022

Click to read the key numbers of Latet's Alternative Poverty Report that explores the meaning of living in poverty in Israel 2022 >>

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Alternative Poverty Report 2021

Click to read our 19th Alternative Poverty Report, which reflects the current trends pertaining to poverty and nutritional insecurity in Israel 2021>>

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Key numbers from the 2021 Poverty Report

Click to read the key numbers of Latet's Alternative Poverty Report that explores the meaning of living in poverty in Israel 2021 >>

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Social Impact Report 2020

Despite the unprecedented conditions COVID-19 posed, Latet continued and even increased its assistance during 2020. Check out now our 2020 summary >>

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Key numbers from the 2020 Poverty Report

Click to read the key numbers of Latet's Alternative Poverty Report that explores the consequences of the Covid-19 outbreak on Israeli society >>

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Alternative Poverty Report 2019

Discover the latest poverty data Latet has gathered >>

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Social Impact Report 2019

Check out the organizations' achievements in 2019 >>

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2019 Social Impact Mid-Year Report

In the first half of 2019 alone, we've accomplished impressive achievements! Check our Mid-Year summary report now >>

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Our first ever event in France

80 French attendees got to hear about Latet and what we do! >>

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Alternative Poverty Report 2018

35.6% of children in Israel live in poverty. Click to learn more about the most up-to-date trends in the field of poverty and nutritional insecurity

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Alternative Poverty Report 2017

The 15th issue of the Alternative Poverty Report, which sheds light on the most up-to-date trends regarding poverty and food insecurity in Israel 2017

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365 days of impact

2018 was a huge year for Latet! A year full of meaningful work, thanks to you, our dear friends. Check out our 2018 summary report >>

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Mid-Year Summary 2018

Dear Friends of Latet, in case you were wondering what have we done for the past few months, just click and have a look! >>>

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"Up in the Air"

Our national holidays campaign display went live on Rabin Square on Sept. 18th.

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Latet - 2017 in Review

Dear Friends of Latet, we are proud to share with you our 2017 summary magazine! Click to have a look at our 2017 activities and achievements >>

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International Ambassadors Campaign!

On Sept. 15th, we launched the Ambassadors Campaign, with 10 ambassadors coming from all over the world.

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"Up in the Air" by night

The High Holidays "Up in the Air" display was illuminated on Rabin Square the night of its installation.

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From the Alternative Poverty Report

Reflects the latest trends on the subject of poverty and food insecurity in Israel in 2014.

From the Alternative Poverty Report

Reflects the latest trends on the subject of poverty and food insecurity in Israel in 2014.

From the Alternative Poverty Report

Reflects the latest trends on the subject of poverty and food insecurity in Israel in 2014.

From the Alternative Poverty Report

Reflects the latest trends on the subject of poverty and food insecurity in Israel in 2014.

From the Alternative Poverty Report

Reflects the latest trends on the subject of poverty and food insecurity in Israel in 2014.

From the Alternative Poverty Report

Reflects the latest trends on the subject of poverty and food insecurity in Israel in 2014.

The Alternative Poverty Report

Each year the face of Israeli society changes due to local and global developments and with it, the poverty indexes change as well.

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​MAZON and Government Relations Meeting

​Latet's Director of Government Relations met with our partners at MAZON Organization in their offices in Los Angeles to discuss our awareness and adv

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Newsletter - poverty conference

Poverty Conference , an annual conference of the organization to provide cooperation with the Tel Aviv Academic

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From the Alternative Poverty Report

Reflects the latest trends on the subject of poverty and food insecurity in Israel in 2014.

From the Alternative Poverty Report

Reflects the latest trends on the subject of poverty and food insecurity in Israel in 2014.

LATET's Nationwide Conference

LATET's Nationwide Conference of Nonprofit Organizations was held on Dec 22 with former president Shimon Perez and reps of 150 organizations.

2015 Alternative Poverty Report

Release of the 2015 Alternative Poverty Report written in Hebrew, reflecting the latest trends regarding poverty and nutritional insecurity in Israel

Poverty costing Israeli economy NIS 48 bill

The government has been asked to cut poverty by 40% in order to reach the OECD average.

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Highest Rates Of Child Poverty

Which Countries Have The Highest Rates Of Child Poverty?

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Poverty Rate in Israel

On January 31, 2016, Secretary General of OECD presented to the government the biennial report on the Israeli economy.

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Latet Annual Report

We are pleased to share our annual report, which summarizes all the activities and highlights that occurred in 2015. We thank you for the support!

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The Real Israeli

cutting in lines, beeping car hones a minute after the traffic light has changed, yelling loudly using their hands, manipulating...

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Shana Tova & Hag Sameah!

We wish you a beautiful, sweet and fruitful new year!

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Closing a successful High Holidays Campaign!

We are so excited to announce that we reached our goal of raising funds to provide 200,000 meals to families in need this year!

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2016 Annual Poverty Conference

Latet's Annual Poverty Conference will take place on December 12th in Tel Aviv!

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Latet Brochure

What does Latet mean? How did it all start? What do we do?

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Brochure Latet en Français

Qu'est-ce que l'organisation Latet? Comment tout a commencé? Que faisons-nous?

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poverty report

poverty report

Key Numbers | Alternative Poverty Report 2023

Click to read the key numbers of Latet's alternative poverty report that explores the meaning of living in poverty in Israel 2023 >>

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Alternative Poverty Report 2023

Click to read Latet's Alternative Poverty Report that explores the meaning of living in poverty in Israel 2023 >>

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