Shana Tova & Hag Sameah!

On behalf of the Latet family, we wish you a happy new year!

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Alternative Poverty Report 2023

Click to read Latet's Alternative Poverty Report that explores the meaning of living in poverty in Israel 2023 >>

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Poverty Rate in Israel

On January 31, 2016, Secretary General of OECD presented to the government the biennial report on the Israeli economy.

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From the Alternative Poverty Report

Reflects the latest trends on the subject of poverty and food insecurity in Israel in 2014.

Latet Brochure

What does Latet mean? How did it all start? What do we do?

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2015 Alternative Poverty Report

Release of the 2015 Alternative Poverty Report written in Hebrew, reflecting the latest trends regarding poverty and nutritional insecurity in Israel

2016 Annual Poverty Conference

Latet's Annual Poverty Conference will take place on December 12th in Tel Aviv!

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From the Alternative Poverty Report

Reflects the latest trends on the subject of poverty and food insecurity in Israel in 2014.

Latet - 2017 in Review

Dear Friends of Latet, we are proud to share with you our 2017 summary magazine! Click to have a look at our 2017 activities and achievements >>

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Our first ever event in France

80 French attendees got to hear about Latet and what we do! >>

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Key Numbers | Alternative Poverty Report 2023

Click to read the key numbers of Latet's alternative poverty report that explores the meaning of living in poverty in Israel 2023 >>

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